Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I just don't know how...

Sigh...I feel so down today. How people can claimed they are so sincere, so not judgemental but yet that what they're doing? And I don't know how to stand for it..I just nodded and keep people doing the same thing to me over and over...(I bukan apa nani, I ingat you mcm adik I sbb tu I tegur, kalau I tak tegur tu maknanya you is nobody to me..) but it is not tegur it is accusing!!

I try to look for the best part or the positive side but I can't because I knew I am not wrong. The toughest part, I cannot or unable to fight or to speak up because People will say I try to justify...

This is test...Allah just want me to keep low, keep my big mouth shut up..I'll try my best...