Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I just don't know how...

Sigh...I feel so down today. How people can claimed they are so sincere, so not judgemental but yet that what they're doing? And I don't know how to stand for it..I just nodded and keep people doing the same thing to me over and over...(I bukan apa nani, I ingat you mcm adik I sbb tu I tegur, kalau I tak tegur tu maknanya you is nobody to me..) but it is not tegur it is accusing!!

I try to look for the best part or the positive side but I can't because I knew I am not wrong. The toughest part, I cannot or unable to fight or to speak up because People will say I try to justify...

This is test...Allah just want me to keep low, keep my big mouth shut up..I'll try my best...


Tokeh Baju Terpakai said...

sabar ya...

salam tuan tanah...
mohon izin menyelit disini.
jom ke blog kami...
macam2 jualan ada


Sufy said...

salam, kak nani...visit my blog k...link wif me ok...heee..kim salam ma abg main, juana ma qisya k..take k...